Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Bozeman Montana

Arrived in Bozeman after some packed days of Yellowstone.  The geysers, hot springs, and geology were incredible but the adjustment to big crowds was a little strange.  I no longer had things to myself, but had to share with tour buses full of people. 

From freecompsites.net, found a great little place called Battleground.  It's located in Helena National Forest and is a great free sight only about 20 minutes out of town.  I've got photos below of what 20 minutes outside of Bozeman is like.  Pretty incredible.

Good night sleep and no bear sightings yet except for a few in Yellowstone.  Regardless, took my first full day in town to head to a local outdoor gear store and pick up a can of bear spray and a little bear bell just in case for my hikes.  Not sure if the spray will do to much if a bear really wanted to make me lunch but at least I know have some more confidence when I do head out. 

One of the reasons I wanted to make Bozeman a stop is to check out Montana State's campus as it's on the short list for graduate schools.  Bikes around campus, wandered into a few buildings, and spent some time in the library.  Every direction you look on campus, you are surrounded by snow covered peaks and rolling hills.  Not a bad place to study.  Biking back to my car, stopped by Bridger Brewing.  Great bear and met a guy named Shane, who had just moved into town.  He gave me the rundown of Bozeman and sold me pretty hard on the place.

Pulling into my campsite, saw a forest ranger truck stuck in snow up to its doars.  Alan (unfortunate soul in the truck) said he had "made it" but let off the gas before he was through and was now shoveling away.  I lent a hand and pretty quickly we had the truck out.  Quick tip, if you jam pine boughs under tires when they are spinning in a snowbank, gives plenty of traction to pop you right out.  In return for my help, he gave me a nice pair of work gloves that I'm sure will come in handy up  in Alaska.

Cooked some dinner, read a book for a while, and then watched the sun setting over the mountains.  The first ray of sun that I really had seen since arriving.  Seems that rain follows me everywhere.

My last day in Bozeman, I spent the morning doing some slacklining and then planned on hiking Sypes Canyon Trail.  Got rained out with a heavy storm coming over the mountains that didn't seem as if it would stop anytime soon.  Took the time to run a few more errands in town and then started to head towards Spokane, WA.  

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